The Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy was organized in 1936 as the Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1995, the Perm State Pharmaceutical Institute was renamed the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, and in 2005 – the state educational institution of higher professional education “Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development”, in 2011, the state budget educational institution of higher professional education Education “Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy” of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, since 2012 – to the state budget educational institution of higher professional education ”
The Academy is licensed by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for the right to conduct educational activities in the sphere of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education of 05.03.2013 № 0560 and a certificate of state accreditation from 05.02.2015 № 1186 (validity period until February 05, 2021) on the right to issue to graduates who have passed the final state certification, documents on the formation of the state sample.
In the Academy, educational activities are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation .
The Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy is one of two independent higher educational institutions of the pharmaceutical profile, leading schools of professional pharmaceutical education, training and improving the skills of specialists in the field of pharmacy in various varied forms of education for 60 regions of Russia and 16 foreign states North and Central Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia.
Graduates of the Academy work in the field of creating industrial production and pharmacy manufacturing of medicines, controlling their quality, organizing drug provision for the population, pharmaceutical supervision, chemical, physical-chemical and forensic analysis.
The modern structure of the Academy includes 5 faculties (pre-university training of youth, full-time education, distance learning, training of foreign citizens, additional vocational education); 21 departments (14 of which are headed by doctors of science, professors); internship, postgraduate study, doctoral studies; dissertation Council; scientific library; 8 research laboratories, the Regional (educational and methodological) center for analytical diagnosis of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (NS and PI); Regional testing center of Roszdravnodzor for standardization and quality control of medicines (LS); The regional center for the destruction of the NN and PV; 3 training and production pharmacies, a dental clinic, a scientific and educational center, a center for distance education, etc.
About 4000 students, more than 200 interns, 50 post-graduate students study at the Academy for full-time and part-time forms. Under the programs of additional vocational education, about 2,500 specialists of practical pharmacy are trained annually, more than 500 people study at the faculty of pre-university training of youth. More than 25 thousand specialists with higher pharmaceutical education, about 300 masters of pharmacy for foreign countries, more than 25 thousand specialists of practical pharmacy have been trained, more than 20 thousand certification cycles have been held since the establishment of the university.
Given the key role of the use of modern innovative and information technologies in the development of all areas of activity, the Academy is actively developing a material and technical base that is adequate to modern requirements. Today it is 5 educational buildings, incl. 1 building of the educational and research center, 2 student dormitories, nursery of medicinal plants, sports and recreation facilities. All the buildings and units of the academy have access to the Internet, an intercom system. For the organization of the educational process there are lecture halls equipped with modern technology, computer classes.
The educational process and the performance of scientific research are provided by more than 200 teachers, among whom more than 70% have academic degrees and titles. The teaching staff includes 31 Doctors of Sciences (18 of them have the academic title of “Professor”), 141 Candidates of Science.
At the present time the Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy is a dynamically developing higher educational institution focused on the latest educational technologies, with significant scientific potential and high demand for graduates both in Russia and abroad.
The favorable spatial and geographical position of PGPA, including the location in the zone of a sufficiently developed transport service and the rapidly growing social and market infrastructure, the high quality of training specialists and carrying out scientific research, contributes to the increased demand for special knowledge in pharmacy from applicants and students from other subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting citizens from countries of near and far abroad, such as Israel, Morocco, Syria, Sudan , Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and others.
The stable development of foreign economic and other relations between Russia and the countries of the distant and near abroad, the processes of integration of the Academy into the international educational and scientific space contributed to the formation of the Academy as a full-fledged acting entity in the international market for educational and research services and to expand cooperation with such foreign partners as: Illinois University, Chicago, USA; University of Metz (France); Harbin Medical University, Harbin, PRC; Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), National University of Singapore, World Health Organization, and others.
Scientific-research and scientific-methodical work in the Academy has a systematic character. The main directions of scientific research work on the development of new medicines based on products of organic synthesis and plant raw materials, the improvement of medicinal provision of the population and the solution of social problems of man and the improvement of educational technologies correspond to the priority directions of the innovative development of the pharmaceutical science and are characterized by certain achievements, contracts for R & D, extrabudgetary funding, many numerical publications, participation in scientific conferences of different levels. The subject of scientific research is protected. So, over the last 3 years more than 850 articles and theses have been published, including 260 with the participation of students.
In the Academy, 5 research areas are leading in the development of modern pharmaceutical science and are fixed by the Academic Council of the Academy decision as the leading scientific schools.
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