Patan Academy of Health Sciences School of Medicine, Nepal

PAHS was established in 2064 B.S. (2008 A.D.) with the charter granted by the Parliament of Nepal. By an Act. PAHS has its own constitution passed by the parliament of Nepal, under the name Patan Academy of Health Sciences Act, 2008.

PAHS has MBBS course duration of 6 years unlike rest of the universities in Nepal.PAHS also has international tie up for the clinical placement such as The University of Sydney.It has also started its own School of Nursing, which runs nursing programs of all levels including PCL, BN, BSc Nursing and Masters in Nursing.

The stated aim of the PAHS is to work in close partnership with the national health system to improve the health care services in the remote/rural areas primarily through producing technically competent and socially responsible health care workers. Currently PAHS has been running School of Medicine and School of Nursing and aims to run School of Public Health in near future. PAHS MBBS curriculum focuses on holistic care of individual and community. PAHS preferentially enrolls students from rural areas and trains them in curriculum that emphasizes on community health and is subsequently provides support for its graduates who work in the rural areas.

Patan Hospital, the 450 bedded tertiary care institution, upon which the PAHS is founded, provides natural ambience for learning holistic and compassionate care. Its history of more than 25 years (more than 50 years if one takes into account its mother institution of Shanta Bhawan) provides the basis for this.

PAHS has already built a rich network with prestigious academic institutions and leaders in many universities around the world so as to learn and benefit from the national as well as international experiences and best practices for the proper development, effective implementation and the continuous improvement of the quality of its academic programs.

PAHS has many international friends helping it to reach its mission and goals. Thus, PAHS has many relationships with international medical institutions from around the world. Students are able to get involved with international student exchanges.

To supplement the core training in Patan Hospital, PAHS students will be assigned to clinical postings at rural hospitals and health care centers throughout the diverse ethnic landscape of Nepal, with an emphasis on regions with disadvantaged populations. Students will begin these rotations in their first year at PAHS and continue them throughout their medical education. Students’ experiences at these community postings will reinforce the principles of social responsibility and compassion that the PAHS curriculum is designed to instill in them. At the remote postings, students will live with local villagers and will learn to overcome the apprehensions associated with working with limited resources in unfamiliar cultures.

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