The history of Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, as well as the history of higher education in Ural as a whole, goes back to October 1916, when Medical Faculty of Perm University was founded. About 350 future doctors were admitted to the faculty during the first year that made 70% of all students.
Reorganization of higher education all over the country in 1930 has led to separation of independent medical institutes (1931) from the universities. The heads of Perm Medical Institute, and since 1994 Perm State Academy of Medicine were: N.F. Bolshakov (1931-1934); division doctor P.P. Sumbayev (1935-1950); Professor A.F. Mamoiko (1951-1952); Professor I.I. Kositsyn (1953-1960); Associate professor T.V. Ivanovskaya (1960-1969); Academician E.A. Wagner (1970-1995); Professor V.A. Cherkasov (1995-2005).
Scientific surgical school created by Academician of RAMS E.A. Wagner is known both in this country and abroad. The basic scientific trend includes the problem of thorax, associated and combined injuries. But the circle of scientific interests of E.A. Wagner and his followers is wider: management of pulmonary, mediastinal and esophageal diseases, abdominal surgery, vascular pathology, transplantation and replantation, urology, oncology, deontology. Many followers of Evgeny Antonovich Wagner became well-known scientists. Professor V.A. Bruns and Professor A.S. Denisov are the State Prize laureates (1997), Professor S.G. Sukhanov – Director of Perm Institute of Heart (1999), Professor M.F. Zarivchatsky, Professor P.Ya. Sandakov, Professor V.M. Subbotin – Honoured Doctors of the Russian Federation. All of them are the graduates of Perm State Medical University. Most of them are still working at the University.
PSMU is a member of The Association of Medical Schools in Europe. Since 1992 the university has been listed in the State Register of Participants of Foreign Economic Relations; foreign students are trained by the programs of pre-training, prediploma and postgraduate education (at present – students from 21 countries of the Near East, Africa, Asia, Commonwealth of Independent States).
PSMU is integrated into the regional medicine. Clinical departments, which provide educational process, are placed in most treatment-and-prophylactic institutions. Besides, professors and staff of departments carry out practical work, introducing new scientific achievements into the public health of Perm Krai.
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